Nor does it make? is a logic game in Basque that favors the development of attention, memory and language.The object of the game is to guess who is a character based on a list of sentences in Basque with their characteristics: physical, clothes, accessories, tastes ...It is appropriate for any child from 4 years and it is not necessary to read.Learn Basque playing! Thousands of combinations of different characters! Stay tuned to the characteristics: clothes, hair types, tastes, accessories ...! Choose Smart ¿Who is?Nor does it make? logika-jokoa da, euskaraz, arretaren, Memoriaren eta hizkuntzaren bultzatzeko Garapena.Jokoaren helburua zein gives pertsonaia den asmatzea; horretarako, Euskarazko esaldien Zerrenda batek haren ezaugarriak BILTZEN ditu: fisikoak, arropak, osagarriak, zaletasunak ...Egokia gives 4 urtetik gorako umeentzat, ez baitago zertan jakin irakurtzen.Euskara ikasi jolastuz! Pertsonaien arteko Milaka konbinazio! Egon adi ezaugarriei: arropak, ile-Motak, zaletasunak, osagarriak ...! Asmatuko duzu nor den?